Top Seach in 2006
1. Bebo
2. MySpace
3. World Cup
4. Metacafe
5. Radioblog
6. Wikipedia
7. Video
8. Rebelde
9. Mininova
10. Wiki
This result makes me suprised! I don't think that 'Bebo', ... is the most popular keyword!
Top characters using Live Search:
1. Ronaldinho
2. Shakira
3. Paris Hilton
4. Briney Spears
5. Harry Potter
6. Eminem
7. Pamela Anderson
8. Hilarry Duff
9. Agelina Jolie
(from Internet)
Same with me, can't expect Bebo is the most searched keyword. I haven't search it once this year.
Anyone know what 'bebo' means or relate to?
"bebo" is a kind of Blog Provider Service :D
Sure? Last time I received some invitation to Bebo and looks like it's something like Friendster or MySpace kinda stuff.
Anyway, never searched it before. Lolz!
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